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Saturday 29 March 2014

SVG Magnify/Zoom Effect With JavaScript

SVG is such a great web technology with so much potential for all kinds of things. Did you know you can run “inline” JavaScript within SVG markup? I’ve been experimenting a lot with SVG over the past few weeks with the aim of trying to expand its uses beyond just icons.

Understanding and Using The Golden Ratio In Web Design

Great web design these days is often the result of two things – usability testing and great aesthetics. If both of these facets remain true, for the most part a design will be successful.
However on the aesthetic side of things, creating a a clear, intuitive and user friendly design solution can be the result of many things such as grids, typography, consistent UI elements and well structured layout.

40 Free Low Poly Desktop Wallpapers

Giving your workstation a wallpaper update is a great way to change your virtual working environment. Given a lot of us spend the majority of our working day constantly engaged with our screens, a wallpaper change can make a big difference in making the monotonous seem less so.
If you work on a mac,

20+ Inspirational Examples of Designer Workspaces

Workspace, ergonomics and a stimulating environment are all key to successful creativity. As designers, our workspace can say a lot about us, but they can also improve productivity when setup to our various preferences.

The Importance Of A Good Creative/Design Brief

Whether you’re working as a freelancer for a client, in a design team at a company, in art-direction, design, web design or just working on a side-project, a good brief is one of the most important steps in ensuring success (for both yourself and the client).
Depending on the type of project, there are always different pros and cons – like terms, changes, direction and payments. However no-matter the project, there is one thing that should always be a top priority from the get-go and that is the brief(s).
Briefs are a simple, logical, and professional way for both parties to understand each other with complete transparency. Unfortunately, it’s a step many creatives skip.

Recreating Medium’s Parallax Blur Effect

Recently I’ve been spending a little (probably too much) time over on Medium, reading a few interesting stories throughout the day to help give me a break from day-to-day work. I’m not a huge fan of everything that’s posted (as a lot of it is over opinionated banter), so I tend to read posts that aren’t web design/development related to help give my mind a refresh.
However I am a huge fan of the website’s design, simplicity, user-experience and attention to detail. It’s a beautifully crafted website, with some really nice, simple effects.
If you’re not familiar with Medium, it’s a community contribution based blogging system, founded by Evan Williams (the co-founder of Blogger and Twitter). However, I’m not going to bore you what I think about it, as that’s not the point of this article.